Wonders and Woes of Waiting

After being told to avoid fatty foods and simply wait for stomach problems to heal, a close friend of mine failed to pursue vital tests for cancer, and died prematurely as a result. Have you seen a person linger only to meet peril in return?

Brain waiting

Brain waiting

Another friend waited  rather than phone back  when her cousin slammed down the receiver, after disagreeing about family problems. After  reflection, no action seemed a better option than possibly triggering further confrontation. The result? The following month, her cousin paid for a weekend family holiday where old wounds were exchanged for refurbished family friendships.

When to act and when to wait? Do you tend to hang back or do you act on the spot when troubles mount? Ever wonder about your brain’s role in each??

Why not share your stories of waiting or acting. Would love to hear them. I’ll respond with a few brain benefits from waiting and a few benefits from acting in each situation. Your turn ….

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Wonders and Woes of Waiting

After being told to avoid fatty foods and simply wait for stomach problems to heal, a close friend of mine failed to pursue vital tests for cancer, and died prematurely as a result. Have you seen a person linger only to meet peril in return?

Brain waiting

Brain waiting

Another friend waited  rather than phone back  when her cousin slammed down the phone, after disagreeing about family problems. After  reflection, no action seemed a better option than possibly triggering further confrontation. The result? The following month, her cousin paid for a weekend family holiday where old wounds were exchanged for refurbished family friendships.

When to act and when to wait? Do you tend to hang back or do you act on the spot when troubles mount? Ever wonder about your brain’s role in each??

Why not share your stories of waiting or acting. Would love to hear them. I’ll respond with a few brain benefits from waiting and a few benefits from acting in each situation. You turn ….

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