With Health Care Costs Down, Time for Govt. to Screw Things Up

health care spending With Health Care Costs Down, Time for Govt. to Screw Things UpHealth care costs have been ameliorating, annual increase-wise, since 2002, with 2008 showing an increase of just 4.4 percent, the lowest in 50 years.

So how does the government react? It comes up with a plan to raise everyone's premiums by mandating coverage for all people, regardless of age, health or pre-existing conditions. Now, of course, it's ideal that everyone be covered, but what the Democrats cover up don't talk about is that it's more expensive to cover everyone, and someone has to pay.

They can hide some of the cost increases through deficit spending and hidden taxes (on the so-called wealthy or on "Cadillac health plans"), but ultimately the costs all rebound to the users, either in terms of higher insurance premiums (guaranteed under Obamacare), longer waits for treatment and medicines (ditto), or flat-out rationing (ditto redux).

Look for all three if so-called health care reform passes.

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