Why I do it

There are times when I wonder why I do it.  Why I work, write, blog, talk and then work and write some more.  Add in life outside of work, all the collaboration tools, my sweet dog, my great spouse, friends, pictures and it all doesn’t leave a lot of time do much else.  Mostly I wonder why I do what I do when the world is full of so many fabulous writers and  blogs about HR resources and information.  I could spend my writing time just reading the cool things out there.  And I have pondered this many a time.  What is my value-add, I’ve wondered?

And then.  I get a phone call from a dear friend whose friend was fired after being sexually harassed on the job and then threated if she filed for unemployment.  She needs help. I can help her. I can’t believe that there are still these issues out there.  Women being harassed and threatened.   So while this is still going on, it will keep me going and the EEOC in business.  I know how to fill out a claim and am not afraid to use a pen.
And then.  I get an email to write an article for my friends at CUPA on social media.   There is a current study by Sibson Consulting on collaboration tools in higher education that found 78% of respondents have never used Twitter, 63% have never or only occasionally used Facebook, and 89% have never or only occasionally used blogs.  Good grief.   Where do I start?

And then.  I get an email from a well respected colleague who enjoys my blog and wants to highlight it in his writing.  Whoa.  That’s a shot of confidence.

And then.  I get a request to come talk to friends at the annual Datatel Users Group 2010 about social media and networking.   How could I say no?

And then.  I spend some time on the phone or Skype or chat with some of the most terrific people that I have ever met.  HR professionals, marketing and branding professionals, technology super geeks and job seekers.  Strangers who have become friends, friends who are looking for ways to connect, collaborate, learn and share.  This makes it all worth it.

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