There are at least twenty-three possible symptoms when we fail to build a pyramid of engagement within our organization.
1. There is a lack of clarity of results or even a lack of results
2. Too many results are attempted without enough capacity
3. Results are clear but lack any meaning or significance for employees
4. Performance is reduced to a management system rather than the daily lifeblood of work
5. There is a failure to hold engaging conversations when performance fails to meet expectations
6. The connections between performance and results are weak or nonexistent
7. There are too many people and structural barriers to progress
8. Setbacks trump progress and managers fail to maximize the benefits of progress to engage knowledge workers
9. Collaboration tends to result in setbacks and disengaging interactions
10. Relationships are sacrificed in the name of results
11. Relationships are viewed as mushy unimportant stuff or depersonalized as human capital
12. Social media within the organization fails to align with engagement and employees’ participation in social media is an indication of disengagement
13. Individuals and organizations suffer people-myopia, barely noticing each other, and failing to voice recognition for each other
14. Moments for engagement are frittered away as small and insignificant rather than small and significant opportunities for engagement
15. Large scale programs and initiatives are launched before pilot testing and feedback from small bets or small wins
16. The ideal state of flow into work is squeezed out by anxiety and boredom
17. Eighty per cent of attention is focused on weakness, problems, gaps, failures, and inadequacies
18. Strengths are addressed as a short assessment tool that merely gives you a list of five strong personal characteristics
19. There is no compelling why to work
20. The return to individuals for work contribution is reduced to an hourly rate or salary
21. The organization and individuals fail to create and find wellbeing within work
22. Mental, emotional, and organizational energy is frittered away and work is an energy drain not an energy gain.
23. The raw material of energy for engagement is under utilized
#employeeengagement #employeeexperience #workisbroken #work #wellbeingatwork
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