Some of the things I learned on Twitter this past week:
@jonathanfields: “The day you say “that SOB stole my idea” is the day you need to face your own inability to execute.” via @moehlert
@barbarosa1: “There are an increasing number of world problems that can’t be solved by hierarchy. Collaboration is the only chance for a solution.” via @sifowler
@timkastelle Nice post from @EskoKilpi: Complexity. The new world between chance and choice
The Internet changes the patterns of connectivity and makes possible new enriching variety in interaction. The changed dynamics we experience every day through social media have the very characteristics of the edge of chaos.
The sciences of complexity change our perspective and thinking. Perhaps, as a result we should, especially in management, focus more attention on what we are doing than what we should be doing. Following the thinking presented by the most advanced scientific researchers, the important question to answer is not what should happen in the future, but what is happening now?
Our focus should be on the communicative interaction creating the continuously developing pattern that is our life.
Outsourcing Journalism: [More evidence that simple work is automated & merely complicated work is outsourced. Be creative or lose your job.] by @RossDawson is considering outsourcing fact-checking and copy-editing – given finding the right talent and quality control systems this should be feasible
When was the last time you worked entirely with people in the same building? Collaboration Is More Important Than Ever by @elsua
I mean, when was the last time you were working with your colleagues in your same building and on the very same project (Just that ONE project!)? Or even in the same country? I bet that was a long while ago! In my own case, the last time I had all of my colleagues in the same building and working on the same project was in 2000. Yes, that far back! From there onwards, people have become a whole lot more distributed, and virtual, to the point where my current team expands globally nowadays across various geographies. And we are all working on a bunch of various different projects / initiatives as well. To us all, like I said, collaboration is not a nice thing to have, but a critical success factor of not only what we do, but who we are as knowledge workers doing Web work day in day out.
If you’re interested in games and social networking (super useful for eLearning and learning) then Games for Social Networks: Notes On The Design and Business of Networked Play is ace from @aquito. via @BFchirpy
You are not replaceable *because* you share know-how, in fact it gets you places. The fallacy of know-how recipes and hoarding. by @johnt
Chefs share their recipes in books, but will reading one make me a chef. Even when they do demo’s where you can pickup contexual, peripheral and nuances like: what goes with what, acidic’s, timing, seasonal food, temperatures, etc…it still doesn’t mean I can do it, or that I’m a chef. As I said in my recent post, knowledge is not an accumulation of facts, it’s a way of being…Libraries vs Apprenticeship/Storytelling.