What Amazing Thing Have You Done Lately?

Tristan and Josh embark

Last Saturday, my nephew, Tristan, and his friend Josh embarked on an eight month trip across the continent—on skateboards– to raise awareness and money for Multiple Sclerosis. You can see his blog Long Way to Skate or find his group of the same name on Facebook.  The two young men are traveling from Virginia Beach, VA to San Diego without a support vehicle, camping at night, all their gear stowed on their backs.

Tristan is, what, 26, and taking off on this adventure of a lifetime!  And not just a carefree pleasure cruise but a journey involving a lot of hard work. A quest he hopes will make a difference to a cause for which he cares deeply.

I’m blown away. I’m so proud of him!

As I think about his journey, I find myself asking:

When was the last time that I did something truly amazing?

When was the last time I dove into a cause, lived it, breathed it, became it?

Have I dared to truly live my dreams, whatever those might be?

Have I taken on something magnificent–big or small–despite naysayers’ attempts to discourage me?

How can I come alive, as Tristan and Josh are fully alive?

We aren’t all going to purchase longboards and set off cross country. But that doesn’t mean the lessons don’t apply. We can contribute and give back in other ways.

When the world asks, “What have you done for me lately?” what will you say?

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