And so finally, its here. TRU London 2 starts tomorrow.
I’m struggling to work out whether this is a really big deal, or not. It sort of feels like it is, largely because a good proportion of the people I follow on Twitter have been tweeting about it, whether they’re attending or not.
And I am looking forward to the unconference experience, and hopefully learning a few things about recruitment too. But what I’m really looking forward to is meeting more of the tweeters, and especially the bloggers, that I’ve been following over the last couple of years, and who I feel like I know well, even if we’ve never met.
Including, from the US:
- Steve Boese
- Laurie Ruettimann (who I have already had the pleasure of meeting once, albeit very briefly, at Kennedy’s recruitment conference)
- Trish McFarlane
- Jim Stroud
And from the UK:
- Matt Alder (yet again!)
- Gareth Jones (again)
- Louise Triance
- Kathryn Robinson (finally!)
And Europe:
(The above are my current favourite bloggers at TRU London– we’ll have to see how the list changes by the end of Friday! And sorry to those I meant to add in, but have very temporarily forgot!)
Anyway, going back to my point, I’m also aware, that for the large majority of the people I know, and given I guess that most of the ‘marketing’ for the event has been done via social media, TRU won’t be anything they’ve heard of, or ever will. Which feels a bit strange.
So if you’ve not come across it, I’d encourage you to dip in, and see what it’s all about. There are various ways to do this, including:
- Follow the Twitter stream:
- And in the evening (GMT):
- Submit questions for the live lab on Twitter using hastag #TruLondon Q (and you can also answer questions using #TruLondon A )
- Listen and join in on the podcast shows:
- Steve Boese HR Happy Hour episode 32 – 6.00pm GMT Thursday
- My own Talking HR episode 24 – 7.30am GMT Friday
- Steve Boese HR Happy Hour episode 33 – 6.00pm Friday.
I’ll also be blogging at least once on both days.
So, see you at the event; here; on a podcast; or on the Twitter stream!
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- Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com