Last week, I wrote about ten funny resume mistakes. This week, I wanted to do the same with interviews, but as I look back, I have to admit that hilarious moments in interviews are not as frequent as smiles over resumes. Here are my top five:
1. This candidate was so nervous at her first professional interview that she accidentally barged into the men’s room instead of the ladies’. Okay, I admit it: that person was me!
2. An immigrant interviewee showed up with her infant. Rather than send her on her way, I decided to do some quick Information & Referral around immigration, child care and careers. In my office, you guessed it: she pulled up her shirt and started feeding her baby, with no attempt at any kind of cover.
(Despite being Africa-born and raised, I have to say, this was a bit much for me in a business setting.)
3. A yound woman arrived wearing a tiny, short skirt that couldn’t have encompassed more than two ounces of fabric. Seeing her, I tried to compose my features into a suitably neutral expression and probably failed miserably. Oblivious to my discomfort, the girl shimmied as she tugged her skirt a fraction of a centimeter lower, giggling, “I’m so glad I dressed up today!”
(Okay…! Moving on.)
4. When we asked a candidate why he hadn’t secured a certain professional certification, the interviewee candidly replied, “Laziness.” He went on to qualify: “Well, that and women!”
(Blatant honesty is the best policy?? I’m not so sure…)
5. As we passed the water cooler and I made my standard offer, “Would you like something to drink?”, this candidate said, “No thanks, I just had a six pack.”
(I like humor as much as the next guy. But this reply is really going out on a limb!)
Since I could only come up with five, I am relying on you to supply a few more! Look forward to reading your responses.
photo by esteban