Top 10 posts for the year

According to Google Analytics, here’s the top content for this blog in 2009. Thanks, as always, for reading and for your insightful contributions.  On to 2010…

  1. Multi-Generational Learning in the Workplace – Message: designing instruction based on a person’s age is not supported by research.
  2. Role Models in Educational Technology on Ada Lovelace Day – A listing of notable women in the education technology field.
  3. Instructional Design Law & Order Style – An instructional design model that makes use of a successful television show.
  4. MyUdutu: One of the best kept secrets in e-learning authoring tools – My review of the web-based authoring tool MyUdutu from Udutu.
  5. Learning Management Systems that kick ass: Cornerstone on Demand – An interview with Charles Coy, Director of Product Marketing at Cornerstone OnDemand about their LMS. (part of the series on learning management systems)
  6. Learning Management Systems that kick ass: Mzinga – An interview with Dave Wilkins about what Mzinga is doing with social media.
  7. (part of the series on learning management systems)
  8. Rapid (Collaborative) Authoring Tools for developers/SMEs in multiple locations – A listing, from the Brandon Hall Research Authoring Tools KnowledgeBase of rapid, collaborative e-learning authoring tools for creating online  courses.
  9. Learning Management Systems that kick ass: Saba – An interview with Ben Willis at Saba about Saba Social. (part of the series on learning management systems).
  10. Are you playing the role of the Subject Matter Expert instead of the Instructional Designer? – A mild rant about rapid e-learning tools and roles.

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