Tipsheet: Out without the Shout

Out without the Shout

How much do you like advertising? If you’re like most, the
answer is somewhere between very little and not at all. This
isn’t surprising, since most advertising is not meant specifically for you, and
is designed to be loud enough to cut through all of the noise generated by other
(irrelevant) ads.

Yet, as individuals, are we any better when it comes to how we
use Social Media? How often do we put something out there – a blog post, a
status update, a Tweet – that is nothing more than a shout? Or is blatantly
self-serving, adding little or no value to the reader?

It is surprisingly easy to use Social Media, but surprisingly
difficult to avoid being self-centered. Here are some ideas that can help:

  • Consider who your audience is, and why they are interested in
    following you.
  • Put yourself in their shoes, and ask whether your post is
    worth forwarding onwards.
  • Add value by referencing content from third parties (with
    attribution), not just your own "stuff".
  • Participate meaningfully beyond your own walled garden, by
    commenting on others’ posts.

This week’s action item: The most important way
to avoid "shouting" is to ask a question, and engage your audience on
their terms. The magic of Social Media is the fostering of a community of
interest. This week, instead of posting your status on Facebook or sending a
self-centered Tweet, ask your followers a question. When you do this, not only
will you get your message "out without the shout", but you can learn
far more about what is important to them.

Note: The Make It Happen Tipsheet is also available by email. Go to
to register.

Randall Craig

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Randall Craig has founded several successful start-ups, held a long-time position at a “big-four” consulting firm, and was an executive at an American public company. He currently serves as the 108 ideaspace CEO and chief strategist. Randall has been advising on digital strategy since 1994: he put the Toronto Star online, the Globe and Mail’s GlobeInvestor/Globefund, several financial institutions, and about 100+ other major organizations.

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