Thought-full Thursday: Potential

Every Thursday, we provide you with a thoughtful way to coach yourself – something all leaders need to do. So take five – enjoy the inspirational quotes  and reflect on the questions that follow. 

Every life form seems to strive to it’s maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge to see see what you can do?  ~Jim Rohm

Questions for you, the leader:

  • What is the full measure of the potential that you will live up to?
  • What will it look like, feel like, and be like when you fulfill your potential?
  • What’s the first step you can take toward choosing to be all that you can?
  • When will you start?
  • Who will you ask to help you?

Questions for developing your team members:

  • What is the full measure of the potential that each of your team members can live up to?
  • What will it look like, feel like, and be like when each of them fulfills their potential?
  • What’s the first step you can take toward choosing to assist them in being all that they you can?
  • When will you start assisting them? How?

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Mary Jo Asmus is the founder and President of Aspire Collaborative Services LLC, an executive coach, writer, internationally recognized thought leader, and a consultant who partners with organizations of all kinds to develop and administer coaching programs. She has “walked in your shoes” as a former leader in a Fortune company.


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