The Masters Website: 5 Lessons for Mastering Enterprise 2.0

Mastering Enterprise 2.0

Fore. What we can learn about improving Enterprise 2.0 from The Masters website? Before you watch the golf tournament I encourage you to visit The Masters Website and think about how you can apply 5 of the principles and practices they follow to improve your Enterprise 2.0 or Social Business Software site.

Handicap. This post focuses on the information and data they present not on the principles and practices  of social interaction. It also does not focus on the performance of Tiger!

Score an eagle. I visited the Masters website during the tournament. I loved the coverage and it made me think about what we can learn to improve our Enterprise 2.0 or Social Business Software sites.  Of course The Masters is a commercial venture with a lot of financial backing and you might not have the resources or budget to copy them but  I encourage you to determine how you could improve your own internal social media site.

1. Offer a visually appealing and simple landing page.

Welcome your community with a strong visual image that draws them in. Don’t try to accomplish too much and guide them on the next step into your Enterprise 2.0 community.

2. Keep being visually appealing while beginning to offer more information.

The next page still remains very visual and now begins to offer a few more options. Don’t try to do too much with your site too early and work at full engaging your community into your site.

3. Offer great data that is easy to customize and view

The Masters offers great data presentation with the opportunity to customize your data, choose favorites, and watch selected video highlights. I love the score board that makes it easy to determine how each golfer is doing. How well do you present your organization’s data on Enterprise 2.0? I also appreciate that you can favorite a few golfers and watch quite a few of their selected shots without having to patiently wade through a lot of video you never wanted to watch!

4. Offer compelling news updates, with visual appeal, choice, and conveyed as a story

The Masters offers great news updates. You get to select from 10 stories offered with compelling headlines and another strong visual image to draw you in. Also don’t forget to educate your community on how to use your site.

5. Ensure you offer a lot of information and data for community members who are looking for more.

As you go deeper into the site you can get much more information and data. Do you communicate a compelling view of your entire enterprise? I love the map of the course with the ability go much deeper into each of the 18 holes and learn about the history and naming of hole and be able to get perform  a flyover.  Can everyone in your enterprise see the “whole course” of your enterprise, drill down to their area, and get a flyover of the key points?

Don’t wait for the 18th hole,  take a few swings at your enhancing and mastering your Enterprise 2.0 site:

  1. Offer a visually appealing and simple landing page.
  2. Keep being visually appealing while beginning to offer more information.
  3. Offer great data that is easy to customize and view.
  4. Offer compelling news updates, with visual appeal, choice, and conveyed as a story.
  5. Ensure you offer a lot of information and data for community members who are looking for more.

Click here to view the site and think about other ways you can improve your site.

I wish you all the best in 2010 in mastering your Enterprise 2.0 or Social Business Software site. By the way, I will have to take a few swings at my employee engagement network site for the next few months.

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David Zinger, M.Ed., is an employee engagement writer, educator, speaker, coach, and consultant. He offers exceptional contributions on employee engagement for leaders, managers, and employees. David founded and moderates the 2270 member Employee Engagement Network. His website offers 1000 posts/articles relating to employee engagement and strength based leadership. David is involved in the application of Enterprise 2.0 approaches to engagement and the precursor, creating engaging approaches to communication, collaboration, and community within Enterprise 2.0.

Book David for education, speaking, and coaching on engagement today for 2010.

Email: [email protected]  Phone 204 254 2130  Website:

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