Easily one of the most gratifying aspects of authoring a site like this is the interaction offered by visitors from around the world. They present thoughtful and engaging comments from which we all learn so much, not least of which, often enough, are the contributors’ own web sites.
Below please find, in no particular order, the many fine thinkers who, over the past year, were kind enough to visit these pages, and gracious enough to offer their views for our consideration (with embedded links to their own sites where provided):
- Mike King
- Steve Roesler
- Miki
- Essa Parwani
- Nina Simosko
- Dan McCarthy
- E.
- Gannon Beck
- Wally Bock
- Shaun Kieran
- Lee Thayer
- John Phillips
- Rob Jacobs
- Cam Beck
- Hayli @ Rise Smart
- Vic
- Craig Sellars
- Jamie Notter
- Allen Adams
- Peter Gluck
- Ben Simonton
- Randy Hall
- Fred H Schlegel
- M B Wheatley
- Oscar Derrida
- cv harquail
- Zac Parsons
- Edward Brown
- Mike Myatt
- Anthony P
- Andrew Smith
- Ian Pratt
- Lead with Love
- Dr. Al
- Michael Leiter
- Aleksandar M. Velkoski
- Bob Foster
- Nick McCormick
- Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching
- Allen Adams
- Becky Robinson
- Rune Kvist Olsen
Many thanks to all of you, and best wishes to you and to all our visitors for the Holidays and the New Year. See you again then!
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