Thank You

As many of you know, tomorrow I’m helping to make the Stop Doing Dumb Things unconference happen. Recent weeks, and particularly recent days have blurred as we (Peter Massey, Jonathan Wilson and I) have encouraged people to come along and made our preparations for the event. Last night we sent a note to all our guests saying thank you, we appreciate your booking. It is humbling and exciting that we’ve managed to gather such a diverse, interesting crowd.

Hundreds of people we know have helped encourage our guests to come along. To everyone who has read and retweeted stuff about the event, thank you. Every little nudge, reminder, and retweet helps, we appreciate it.

To the fine group of #connectinghr people I met with last week to share and develop unconference ideas, thank you. I’m conscious that was a stressful day for me, and my behaviour fell well short of what I expect of myself. In the heat of a passionate conversation I lost my temper and shouted at a friend. Sorry Mervyn. I re-learned a very valuable lesson, be mindful of others. Thank you folks for putting  up with me.

Carole and Keira have supported and encouraged me throughout the planning for tomorrow. Steadfastly. We’ve had a lot of laughs and a few tears along the way. Such inspiration, thank you.

I’m off to load up the Stop Doing Dumb Things wagon and begin carting supplies to the venue, I’ll see you later. Tomorrow is going to rock. Thank you.





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Thank You

What else can we do today, the 10th anniversary of the September 11 tragedies, other than say “thank you?”

Thank you brave people who, in the face of terror, rose up to save a capitol.

Thank you brave people who, with the opportunity to safe yourselves, instead helped to save others.

Thank you first responders, who ran into burning buildings while others ran out.

Thank you spouses, children, family and partners of those who gave so much.

Thank you unsung heroes who are rebuilding, stronger and better.

Thank you.

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Thank you

This weekend, we are attending the retirement ceremony of one of Paul’s former colleagues, his Command Master Chief when stationed in Chicago. Randy (as I know him) has served our Navy and this country for 20+ years, on the ground, the sea and even in Iraq. People like Randy Spence kick ass, take names and never, ever complain.
The ceremony will be serious, touching, inspiring and a little nostalgic. Grown men will tear up. I will cry. It is heart warming to spend a little time with people who are remembered, appreciated and honored for their work and sacrifice. Sure would like to see more of this.

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