Here’s a video of myself in conversation with Luis Galindo (@luis_galindo, who runs the WIMS 2.0 project at Telefonica) at the e-STAS Symposium on Technologies for Social Action:
I talk about election monitoring platform Vote Report India and citizen action platform iJanaagraha and the importance of having a web-mobile-offline hybrid model to drive citizen action.
I talk about how crisis reporting platform Ushahidi has transformed a SMS-map mashup four people hacked together in four days into a global organization and ecosystem of passionate users and volunteers like myself.
I talk about ideation platform Dell Go Green and the importance of building a community around a social object (a lifestyle or cause) that is bigger than the brand itself.
Finally, I talk about how businesses, civil society organizations and government agencies can learn valuable lessons from each other on how to engage their constituents using social technologies and online communities. If you want to learn more, here’s a mammoth 150+ slide deck on how social technologies are changing media, business and society:
As CEO of 2020 Social, I build and nurture online communities for Indian and international clients, connect their customers, partners and employees, and help them achieve their business objectives. Ask us how we can help you.
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