To get an idea of what we're headed with ObamaCare, we need look no further than to Massachusetts (or Tennessee).
When Commonwealth Care (aka RomneyCare) kicked in three years ago, there were about 600,000 persons in Massachusetts without insurance. Today there are still 300,000 uninsured, and of the newly enrolled 300,000, most are either on the state's dime or in Medicaid. Only 63,000, or one in five, are paying for their own health insurance.
Some 160,000 earn less than the poverty rate for a family of four ($63,600) and get free health insurance from the state; another 70,000 have been enrolled in Medicaid. To top it off, another 60,000 have been granted exemptions so the state wouldn't have to subsidize them.
Bottom line, the Massachusetts tab for health insurance "reform" will exceed its budget by $150 million this year.
Look for more exemptions and–here comes that "R" word–rationing in the near future.
Most New Enrollees in MassCare Are Subsidized by the State is a post from: Labor Law Guy