I’ve only recently posted how nice it is to meet other HR bloggers and there was a real smorgasbord of social media talent at Changeboard’s winter party last night:
Matt Alder of Recruiting Futurology (@mattalder)
Natalie Cooper of Changeboard (@changeboard)
Nicholas Creswell @ncreswell
Richard Hinde-Smith @rhindesmith
Graeme Holiday @graemeholiday with Natalie once again
Scott McArthur of McArthurs Rant (@scott_mcarthur) with Ben Thornton (sorry about the photo!)
Richard Tyrie (@rtyrie) and Tom Watson (@tom_watson)
Tom Watson (@tom_watson) with Nicola Grimshaw
Muggles? Commoners? Lurkers? What’s the word to describe people who aren’t using social media yet? Anyway, it was nice to meet / see you all at Changeboard’s winter party: Alex, Alistair, Clair, Claire, Claire, Richard, Mark, Martyn, Matt, Nicola, Nigel, Oxana, Richard, Richard, Sheila and others who I’ve forgotten (sorry). (And sorry about anyone I’ve got muggled up.)
And a big thanks to our hosts, Porteur, Jim, Richard, Ruth et al.