Just finished presenting on the topic ‘microlearning’ at the online LearnTrends conference. Hat tip to Tony Karrer, Jay Cross, and George Siemens for hosting this great event. This topic (microlearning) is kinda/sorta a new research area for me.
I find the literature in this area (microlearning) fascinating to read. Much of the information I presented is pulled from existing literature and I’m still working through it so it’s a bit disjointed in my opinion. This is one of those research areas where I’m reading and thinking, crap these people are brilliant. Hoping some rubs off.
I couldn’t really articulate differences between networks and communities of practice when Tony asked. Perhaps it’s the four diet Pepsi’s and the hot dog I had for lunch. Will deal with that later (the question and the poor food/beverage choices).
Brown, J.S. (2006). New learning environments for the 21st century: Exploring the edge. Change. September/October 2006
Güler, C., Altun, A., & Akar, P. (2008). Teacher trainees as learning object designers. (Paper) Microlearning and Capacity Building. Proceedings of the 4th International Microlearning 2008 Conference. Innsbruck, Austria.
Hierdeis, H. (2005). From meno to microlearning: A historical survey. Didactics of Microlearning: Concepts, discourses and examples. Waxmann Verlag.
Huberman, B.A., Romero, D.M. & Fang, W. (2008). Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope. Social Computing Lab, HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA and Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Hug, T. & Friesen, N. (2007). Outline of a microlearning agenda. Didactics of Microlearning: Concepts, discourses and examples. Waxmann Verlag.
Hug, T. & Friesen, N. (2009) Outline of a Microlearning Agenda. eLearning Papers, September 2009.
Lave, J. & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Linder, M. (2008). The shift toward microinformation. Microlearning and Capacity Building. Proceedings of the 4th International Microlearning 2008 Conference. Innsbruck, Austria. Retrieved April 5, 2009 from
….One other great source of info on CoPs – Jane Bozarth’s dissertation.
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