“Stop doing busy work and start making a difference with your work.” This astute observation was shared recently by Liz Wiseman (someone I had the pleasure to speak with many years ago on my Leadership Biz Cafe podcast). And it inspired me to share a simple, but effective strategy that … Click to continue reading
Maximize Your Time: A Strategy to Banish Busywork And Focus On Value Creation
Tanveer Naseer is an award-winning and internationally-acclaimed leadership writer and keynote speaker. He is also the Principal and Founder of Tanveer Naseer Leadership, a leadership coaching firm that works with executives and managers to help them develop practical leadership and team-building competencies to guide organizational growth and development. Tanveer’s writings and insights on leadership and workplace interactions have been featured in a number of prominent media and organization publications, including Forbes, Fast Company, Inc Magazine, Canada’s national newspaper “The Globe and Mail”, The Economist Executive Education Navigator, and the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center.