Job Boards, Jesus and Pizza Sauce

Some­times I feel like the National
has cap­tured the essence of human­ity and peo­ple thrive
on sen­sa­tion­al­ism because it’s excit­ing and sexy.

My per­son­al­ity type doesn’t appre­ci­ate the drama so many oth­ers
seem to live for. So, when I hear melo­dra­matic state­ments like HR is Dead and Job Boards Are Dead
they affect me as much as Jesus in Pizza Sauce in NEPA.

How­ever, while watch­ing the video — kind of using it as a vehi­cle
for med­i­ta­tion, a job board acronym was revealed to me.

Job Oppor­tu­nity
Bottle-necked Beyond Our Abil­ity to Reach it Directly

They’re not dead per se… maybe a lit­tle like stale pizza crust
though, and most job boards are filled with scam bam thank you
ma’am junk. You don’t know who is behind the post­ings and you
don’t know if they are even real.

What is a job seeker to do? Well… net­work with com­pany
representatives/vendors via LinkedIn and niche ning sites, fol­low my
list of Twit­ter HR/Recruiters, let
all your friends and con­tacts know you are search­ing (and attach a
resume to that email), go to net­work­ing events, painfully take the
time to visit com­pany web­site employ­ment pages.. those are all things
to do.

Or, you could check out LINKUP.

All of our jobs come directly from com­pany web­sites.
Almost any com­pany, big or small, that has a career sec­tion on their
web­site can be found on LinkUp. Cur­rently, we have over 20,625
com­pa­nies in our data­base that we mon­i­tor every night. Com­pa­nies
range in size from the largest to the small­est, and from all loca­tions
across the United States.

LINKUP goes qui­etly in the night like
Santa’s lit­tle elves out into cyber­space vis­it­ing com­pany web­site
job boards and gifts the aggre­gated results to the United States of

Com­pany job boards are still fresh.…. If you are a
Cor­po­rate Recruiter be sure to see if your company’s post­ings are on LINKUP.

Link to original post

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