The SHRM Connect platform, announced after this past summer’s national conference, was designed to harness the collective power of its 250,000 members. In my opinion the response has been lukewarm at best. I’ve noticed that more often than not that, aside from making connections most HR pros are not engaging in a lot of discussion or value creation on SHRM Connect . For example, I’m actually a pretty consistent presence on the space, especially on the ‘Social Media for HR’ group page. Since I first got onto SHRM Connect I’ve started a Twitter List (value creation), started a discussion on Google Wave, convinced a few people to try Twitter, and amassed over 100 connections. Aside from China Gorman I don’t think any other member has over 100. If that’s not true let me know please; I would love to be wrong but I doubt it.
But over the past week I’ve started to see signs of life. Progressive HR pros such as Trish McFarlane, Mark Stelzner, and Lance Haun (all of which, coincidentally or not, have just re-joined SHRM) are making connections. People are asking the question, “Is this it?” and more importantly are starting to be heard. And the discussions are becoming more vibrant as well.
It’s too soon to tell but there seems to be changes on the horizon. I’m cautiously optimistic.
What’s your opinion about SHRM Connect? More importantly, what can we do to encourage its improvement?