There are many irritating listening habits which can create communication problems. One of the most typical and frustrating is trying to talk to a manager who leaves her phone on and lets it interrupt the conversation when it rings. In an enlightening interview, Tachi Yamada, the president of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program, emphasizes the importance of giving full attention to someone who’s come to talk with you.He keeps his cell phone turned off when he’s talking to someone because he doesn’t want the “outside world to impinge on the conversation we’re having.” He doesn’t carry a Blackberry, does his emails regularly but when he has time on a computer. Yamada says, “Every moment counts, and that moment is lost if you’re not in that moment 100 percent.” Over the years, I’ve collected a list of irritating habits which create communication problems. Here are some of the most frustrating from many different people:Dominates the conversation
Interrupts me before I finish what I’m saying
Rummages through the papers on the desk or the in the desk drawer instead of listening.
Turns around and looks out the window.
Frequently looks at his watch or clock while I’m talking
If several people are in the room, tends to look at someone other than the person who is talking
Doesn’t put down what she is doing when I come in the room.
Doodles and draw pictures whil I talk
Takes phone calls while we are in a meeting
Asks questions about what I hae just said and shows he or she isn’t listening. Yamada says that one of the greatest lessons he’s learned is that when you actually are with somebody, you’ve got to make that person feel like nobody else in the world matters. I think that’s critical.”P.S. What can you add to my list of irritating listening habits?
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