HR tweet-up


   Together with Gareth Jones (@garelaos), I’m organising a tweet-up for UK HR people in London on the evening of 29th March.

You’ll find details at

If you’ve not come across the term, a tweet-up is simply a meet-up of people using or interested in Twitter and social media.  And since some people have been confused, it is a real-life, vs a virtual meeting.

As far as we know this is going to be the first UK HR tweet-up outside of a particular even (eg the CIPD conference last year) or a particular sub-function of HR (eg recruitment).

The event is open to all practitioners and suppliers working in HR, but we want it to focus on practitioners working in companies rather than just suppliers.

We already have people booked representing Recruitment, L&D, OD, Internal Communication etc.  And from Betfair, KFC, London Overground Rail, Sky, Thomson Reuters and Virgin Media – and a couple of other organisations too (which I don’t know as these HRDs blog and tweet anonymously) – as well as ‘currently unemployed’.

We’ve also got a good list of names that you’ll recognise if you are on Twitter – as I’ve been pre-inviting the people that I’d want to see attending if I was still an HR Director, and was interested in (but not necessarily using) social media.  These are the people who can explain to you what social media is all about (and will just be interesting people to meet up with and have a drink with too).


So if you do work in HR inside a company, and are interested in social media, do please book up (if you can’t attend the date, contact me so I can invite you to future meetings).

If you’re a supplier, we’d like to invite you too, if you:

  • Are already using Twitter quite extensively.  To meet this condition, you will probably have your own Twitter address rather than using your companies (or at least your Twitter bio will identify you as the person behind your tweets).  You’ll tweet at least a few times a week, and not always about your products, research or events.
  • Agree to get at least one in-company professional to register and attend.
  • Agree not to do any selling!


We are going to be quite robust in applying these conditions – and I’ve already had to go back to more than one person on the list for more input before confirming their attendance.  It’s not that I’m against suppliers (clearly), but in order to ensure the value for in-company practitioners and suppliers alike, we need to ensure that the majority of people attending come from HR itself.


Suggested hashtag: #ConnectingHR



  • Consulting – Research – Speaking  – Training -  Writing
  • Strategy  -  Talent  -  Engagement  -  Change and OD
  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com

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I graduated from Imperial College, London in 1987 and joined Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as a systems development consultant. After ten years in IT, change and then HR consulting, I joined Ernst & Young as an HR Director, working firstly in the UK, and then, based in Moscow, covering the former USSR.More recently, I have worked as Head of HR Consulting for Penna and Director of Human Capital Consulting for Buck Consultants (the HR consultancy owned by ACS).


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