HR Needs a Vacation

Palm tree against blue sky


I’m on a much-needed vacation in sunny, warm, beautiful, relaxing Florida. On the morning we left DC, I send an impassioned e-mail to my boss outlining a number of pressing concerns. Before I logged off, I saw he had already sent a quick reply telling me he would prefer to talk with me when I returned and he would prefer I not worry about work while I was gone.

Wow. That put things in perspective for me; in the past year I’ve put off taking vacation time while repeatedly donating annual leave to others in need. By the time I packed my suitcase I was feeling worn out, worn down, ineffective; a sure recipe for burn-out, had I kept it up.

We’ve all heard the analogy of securing our own oxygen mask before assisting other with theirs. A quick Google search finds the truism applied to parenting, the holidays, behavioral health, helping professions, marriage and more. And it certainly applies to human resources, or at least this HR person. My colleagues and I have often counseled our employees to take care of themselves, and here I have not followed my own, fairly basic advice.

I urge all of you not to make my mistake. Find big and small ways to take care of and renew yourself so that you have energy for the people you love, as well as your goals, avocations and chosen work.

What will you do today, this month, this year to renew yourself?

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