Engage Now: Gabrielle Bouliane

I encourage you to take 5 minutes – how seldom on the Internet we will stay anywhere for 5 minutes – but I encourage you to take 5 minutes to watch and listen to Gabrielle Bouliane performing slam poetry on engage now.

Here is the description that accompanies the YouTube video:

The lovely and amazing performance poet Gabrielle Bouliane performs for the audience at the Austin Poetry Slam.

This would be her last public performance.

Gabrielle was diagnosed with Stage Four Cancer shortly before this video was filmed. Our dear sister fought hard, but she ended her fight January 29, 2010. She was surrounded by family and friends, and her passing was in a very quiet, peaceful room full of love and affection. She was so brave.

Please share this video with everyone you know. I am sure it would tickle her to no end to have this video get as viral as a video can be. Tell the world.

Bunny up!

Warning. She uses strong language but this is a a much needed strong message.

If the video fails to open in this window, click here.

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