Check Out My New Resource Page

Take advantage of my most frequently downloaded free resources and accompanying videos all on one page! For years, I’ve been sharing free, downloadable resources and YouTube videos through my blogs. Now, instead of hunting through past blogs to find a resource, you can find my most frequently downloaded free resources and related videos on my new Resources page! I decided on these particular resources because they are products of pragmatism, my superpower. There is no theory on the new page—all the resources are tested and proven true by clients or are from my own work in helping leaders find that next level of success. They are all readily available for you to download and modify to best fit your situation. What’s on the page? My Resources page is full of handouts and videos that will help you and your team grow. Here are four examples of frequently used resources you can find there:  One of the most powerful tools in supporting leaders implementing EOS is the LMA Checklist and Feedback Form.  The LMA (Leadership + Management = Accountability) checklist empowers leaders to gather feedback from their team. This is a template I created to help leaders gather and process feedback […]

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I started the trU Group to help organizations and leaders in transition realize growth and excellence. My expertise lies in creating strategy, developing leaders, and then building and equipping both leaders and leadership teams to effectively manage growth. I partner with small- and medium-sized businesses that desire healthy growth and are challenged with having the time for development. I believe that in transitions there are tremendous opportunities for growth, and tremendous risks for both individuals and organizations; I help organizations and leaders seize those opportunities while avoiding some of the risks becoming reality. I bring a balance of academic knowledge, experience of working with hundreds of leaders, and the personal experience of leading through key business transition situations, with a passion for people-centered leadership.

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