Future of the training department
Entreprise Collaborative, a cross-cultural endeavor bridging English and French to provide a jumping off point on organizational collective intelligence (and… more
Entreprise Collaborative, a cross-cultural endeavor bridging English and French to provide a jumping off point on organizational collective intelligence (and… more
On Friday, I had the pleasure of a conversation of Kris Rockwell, CEO of Hybrid Learning for my in-process mobile… more
On Friday, we had our open house to get feedback on the Sackville Commons. There was a good level of… more
Picture: Rhizomes & Roots by @VenessaMiemis — The return on investment (ROI) on social learning consists of getting stuff done… more
In prepping for tomorrow nights #lrnchat, Marcia Conner was asking about the value proposition of virtual worlds. I ripped out… more
In early 1939 McGraw-Hill published a profound little book that should be on the reading list of everyone involved in… more
A recurring, and popular, theme here over the past year has been communities: The Community Manager and this follow-up, the… more
New Gateway site launch complete! The Gateway has introduced a brand new look and feel, new technologies to keep you… more
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