Catalysts for Change (via Athena’s Lightning – A blog by Lovisa A. Williams)

Lovisa provides us with a great deal of food for thought with her latest post. My favorite line, ”We need many voices, ideas, and solutions if we intend to succeed”. If we are to continue to drive positive change it will take the entire community, not a handful of voices. Lets all do our part and keep this train rolling.

Catalysts for Change For the past couple weeks I’ve been thinking about a comment Justin Herman made to me regarding his new colleagues.  The rough paraphrase was, “They are great people who are extremely knowledgeable, but they don’t seem to be on the circuit.”  This got me thinking about how the majority of people who work for or with the Government are the kind of dedicated workers who come in every day, work hard, are passionate about what they do, and don’t get … Read More

via Athena’s Lightning – A blog by Lovisa A. Williams

Filed under: Gov20, Government 2.0 Tagged: alanwsilberberg, change-agents, charleneli, culture, culture-change, gov2-0, Government, Government 2.0, govfresh, herculean-task, hercules, heros, ideagov, johnfmoore, justin-herman, leaders, Leadership, lovisa-a-williams-2, lukefretwell, nickcharney, ninjas, open-leaders, open-leaders-2, open-leadership, organizational-transformation-2, people, rockstars, steveradick
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