2009 was a nice year for this blog.
First of all – it got a name change – from “Gautam Ghosh on HR” to “Gautam on Organizations 2.0” – reflecting my changing focus and the content that would get featured here 🙂
And secondly it got its own domain too – from gauteg.blogspot.com to www.gautamblogs.com 🙂
2009 also saw Disqus as a commenting system added to the blog. Social tools like Addthis and Tweetmeme and the wibiya toolbar (the red bar at the bottom of this page) were also added to make the content interactive for you.
Some interesting statistics:
- Visitors to the site spent an average time of 1 min 10 seconds per visit. Considering that most people spent less than 10 seconds 🙂 that means some folks did spend an awful lot of time here 🙂
- People visit an average of 1.35 pages
- Google sent the most amount of traffic to the blog (41%) followed by direct visits, and then followed by Yahoo, Twitter and HRworld.com
- The Google Friend Connect community of the blog has 243 members currently (you can see that by looking at the social bar at the top of this page) – and the Facebook page has 321 fans so far.
- The keyword searches that led people here were: gautam ghosh, gautam ghosh blog and best companies to work for in india 🙂
- Specific posts that got most traffic were old posts 10 reasons why organizations are not able to retain employees and Should software engineers go for an MBA? Of 2009’s posts the big hit was Critical Skills for HR people followed by Making Organizations Social and 2009’s first Carnival of HR which I hosted.
- Most visitors through the year were from India (more than 50% of visits) followed by the US ( 27%) and then UK and Canada.
Thanks for your attention during the past year – hope I am worthy of holding your attention during 2010 too 🙂
Have a great new year ahead!