Internet Time Alliance spent a couple of days last week putting the 2.0 into a tedious proposal for a large, forward-facing multinational corporation.
Among our recommendations were:
- Informal Live webcasts
- Informal Recorded webinars
- Informal Video conferencing
- Informal Workshops
- Informal Audio/ podcasts
- Informal Learnshop
- Informal Case Studies
- Informal Non-formal video
- Informal Discussion group/ forum
- Informal SharePoint
- Informal RSS Feeds
- Informal Communities of practice
- Informal Community e-news
- Informal Guerilla video (Flip cams)
- Informal iPad Leadership Channel
- Informal SpacedEd Reinforcement
- Informal Mentoring
- Informal OJT
- Informal Job shadow/job rotation (Experiential)
- Informal Websites
- Informal Lunch ‘n learns
- Informal Conference/tradeshow
- Informal Road shows
- Informal Books/case studies
- Informal Simulations
- Informal Reference docs/job aids
- Social SharePoint 2010, eRoom/Documentum
- Social Mentoring/ coaching
- Social Websites?
- Social Books?
- Social Collaborative projects
- Social Wikis
- Social Blogs (written/ video)
- Social Micro-blogging
- Social Social bookmarking, ranking/rating/tagging
- Social Web jams
- Social Bodystorming
- Social Group reflection
- Social Celebrate successes
- Social Tweetchats, Tweetups
- Social Appreciative inquiry
- Social Unconferences
- Social Rypple feedback
- Social On-job collaboration
- Social Collaborative writing
- Social Collaborative presentations
- Social Podcasting
- Social Photo-sharing
- Social Social networking