Zinger’s eclectic employee engagement resources:
This selection includes contributions ranging from learning 2.0 and loyalty matters to nine question sif you care enough to forty great resources for a community management strategy.
- Top 10 Trends in Learning 2.0. Very informative slideshare by Rodd Lucier.
- Peter W. Hart on loyalty matters.
- Research finds leadership skills inadequate to meet current and future demand ~ George Ambler
- Scott Young on What if You Have More Than One Passion?
- Beyond shallowness: Dave Shearon on Positive Psychology Includes Negative Emotions
- Why Shy? Rosa Say on don’t be shy about your success
- Balance Connection and Conviction to Reduce Anxiety and Lead Effectively
- Nine Questions To See If You Are Caring ENOUGH.
- Give Swirl a whirl. Have you tried Googe Image Swirl?
- Flowing Data. Data data everyday. We are headed here
- Forty Great Resources for Developing a Community Management Strategy
- Pink on the wrong right. The more efficient you are at doing the wrong thing, the wronger you become. http://bit.ly/4iJCFB
- ROWE to work. ROWE is not changing the work; ROWE is innovating how the work gets done
- Organizational change. A poem on dying, butterflies, conversation, and community. http://bit.ly/4oBzlY