14 Employee Engagement Zingers: Eclectic Resources (2)

Zinger’s eclectic employee engagement resources:

This selection includes contributions ranging from learning 2.0 and loyalty matters to nine question sif you care enough to forty great resources  for a community management strategy.

  1. Top 10 Trends in Learning 2.0. Very informative slideshare by Rodd Lucier.

  2. Peter W. Hart on loyalty matters.

  3. Research finds leadership skills inadequate to meet current and future demand ~ George Ambler

  4. Scott Young on What if You Have More Than One Passion?

  5. Beyond shallowness: Dave Shearon on Positive Psychology Includes Negative Emotions

  6. Why Shy? Rosa Say on don’t be shy about your success

  7. Balance Connection and Conviction to Reduce Anxiety and Lead Effectively

  8. Nine Questions To See If You Are Caring ENOUGH.

  9. Give Swirl a whirl. Have you tried Googe Image Swirl?

  10. Flowing Data. Data data everyday. We are headed here

  11. Forty Great Resources for Developing a Community Management Strategy

  12. Pink on the wrong right. The more efficient you are at doing the wrong thing, the wronger you become. http://bit.ly/4iJCFB

  13. ROWE to work. ROWE is not changing the work; ROWE is innovating how the work gets done

  14. Organizational change. A poem on dying, butterflies, conversation, and community. http://bit.ly/4oBzlY

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