117 Funniest Job and Recruiting Ads Ever

Recruitment agencies and hiring companies make creative and funny job ads in hopes of getting noticed by the best candidates.

Enjoy! Click through to see larger versions at the source.

Which one is your favorite? Tell us in the comments.
toiletpayroll creative job ad
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DesignHeadhunters creative job ad
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JobzonenGuns creative job ad
JobzonenOldrecords creative job ad
CrapJob creative job ad
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Laazi...DareToDream creative job ad
Laazi...DareToDream2 creative job ad
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the big chair creative job ad
big shoes 1 creative job ad
Big Shoes 2 creative job ad
dont jump creative job ad
career evolution in advertising creative job ad
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Copywriter creative job ad
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GunControl creative job ad
Saatchi&SaatchiRecruitmentAd creative job ad
Sweatshop creative job ad
lonely copywriter seeks art director creative job ad
arabic copywriter creative job ad
copywriter wanted creative job ad
DummyText creative job ad
JWT copywriter creative job ad
EURO RSCG creative job ad
experience 1 creative job ad
experience 2 creative job ad
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Dino creative job ad
GAP snowflake creative job ad
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GooglePiAd creative job ad
RecruitmentAd creative job ad
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CareerJunctionGardening creative job ad
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here you are 2 creative job ad
here you are creative job ad
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JWTWombRecruitment creative job ad
JWTWombRecruitment2 creative job ad
maybe it's time to move on 1 creative job ad
maybe it's time to move on 2 creative job ad
maybe it's time to move on 3 creative job ad
maybe it's time to move on 4 creative job ad
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offers creative job ad
CV creative job ad
people creative job ad
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organ donation hand creative job ad
paper plane creative job ad
Recruitment Ad creative job ad
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iamseeking.comAssistant creative job ad
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Murder Burger needs meat

More funny and creative job ads

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— Jacob Share, Job Search Expert and Professional Blogging Consultant

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A version of this article originally appeared here:

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